Stand up for Peyronie’s: tackling embarrassing problems

How do you increase awareness of a hidden condition that is embarrassing to talk about and unlikely to pass the media’s ‘breakfast test’?

The Challenge:

The British Dupuytren’s Society wanted to extend their support to men with a little known – and rarely talked about – condition – Peyronie’s disease (PD) – that affects the penis and launch an awareness campaign.


Based on our insight that men with PD often felt isolated and depressed, Say chose to focus on the emotional and mental impact of the condition to gain wider talkability. Timing the launch of Stand Up For Peyronie’s with Men’s Health Week and providing access to case studies and key stakeholders helped to communicate the reality of the condition. An active social media campaign amplified the message.

“Just to show how important the Peyronie’s campaign is, this was taken from our Facebook forum: “I told my parents about my PD. No empathy – just laughter and denial. Thank you so much for stand up for Peyronie’s, support is precious.”

Chair, British Dupuytren’s Society

The Results Are In…

100,000 Thunderclap
33 Pieces of editorial coverage, including most nationals
3 Stakeholders collaborated with the initiative

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