SAY has a strong track record representing local & global brands on public affairs & policy PR programmes. Contact us to speak to one of our public affairs & policy PR specialists.

Technology moves too fast and policy is too important for us to sit back and leave it solely to the Government. Technology leaders must actively engage and participate with policymakers and other stakeholders if we want fit-for-purpose regulations appropriate to the modern world.

SAY’s public affairs and policy PR specialists help you navigate the political landscape, empowering you to influence policymakers, engage directly with government & champion your cause with politicians.


Public Affairs Knowledge

Our public affairs PR consultants act as conduits between you and government, legislators, and regulatory bodies. With our finger on Whitehall’s pulse, we have a measure of the regulatory and legislative landscape.

Our public affairs PR specialists offer advice to inform stakeholders and stimulate debate on the issues that matter most. Acting as your compass we amplify your voice and influence on the issues that matter to you most. Enabling you to effectively engage with stakeholders who influence decisions on a central and local government basis.

Our Public Affairs services include:

  • Political monitoring
  • Stakeholder mapping and political audience identification
  • Message development and alignment
  • Formal policy consultation processes
  • Comprehensive policymaker engagement programmes
  • Strategic Counsel


Public Policy Knowledge

Our public policy PR specialists on the other hand, engage with stakeholders regarding those policies which directly impact upon our clients.

We craft compelling narratives that help shape public opinion on critical issues. By combining our understanding of the intricacies of the policymaking process with our media relations and strategic counsel expertise we empower you to drive impact through policy change.

Whether you are trying to influence the policy making process, engage government directly, or champion a cause with politicians, our seasoned public policy PR consultants understand the delicate balance between politics, policy, and your organisation’s reputation.

Let us help you navigate these complexities to achieve success.

Our Public Policy services include:

  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Media relations
  • Advocacy
  • Policy development & analysis
  • Crisis communications
  • Message development & communications

Some of our recent work

Brand awareness for a US secure code tech company

Award-winning global thought leadership & lead gen

Building Trust & Demonstrating Expertise Through Thought Leadership

Launching a new cloud offering with channel partners


Our consultants, subject matter experts and social geeks inspire change across specific sectors within the b2b technology landscape.


Cybersecurity is a significant challenge for all businesses and is a sector that is attracting a lot of attention as well a lot of investment.

cybersecurity PR agency

Physical Security

The physical security market is rapidly expanding and we know that brands are finding it harder than ever before to be seen – and heard.

A secure building, reflected in a camera's lens

Industrial Tech

Successfully communicating new technology in the manufacturing and engineering space requires specific expertise.

Green Tech

Sustainability and environmental social governance is firmly on the boardroom agenda and green tech solutions have never been more attractive to investors and customers.


Space Economy PR

SAY SPACE helps you to tell your story, reach new audiences and grow your bottom line.

Enterprise Tech

Technology in business essentially falls into two camps – either improving the efficiency of existing processes or creating new opportunities and ways of working.

Enterprise technology PR agency

Other Services

Focusing on delivering ROI we bring together marketing disciplines that work in concert to generate high-octane programmes that drive pipeline, sales and company growth.

Public Relations

We don’t tell stories, we build credibility & help maintain reputations.

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Content Creation

We evaluate your customer journey on your site, and across your channels to formulate a detailed picture.

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Lead Generation

Qualified sales leads are what any growth-focussed business needs to achieve and exceed its ambitions.

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Fractional CMO Service

Elevate your marketing strategy with SAY’s Fractional CMO service – your gateway to senior marketing leadership without the long-term commitment & expense of a full-time executive.

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Channel Partner Marketing

Our role is to help organisations empower their channel enabling these partners to be successful in their markets.

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Digital Marketing

Today the digital customer experience is an everyday occurrence and uber-critical to the success of your communication.

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Brand, Positioning & Messaging

From developing brand identities, defining positioning, to creating strong messages that support and underpin your brand.

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Influencer Marketing

We research and identify those that matter in your sector who have authority and audience within your target prospect’s industry.

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Hello, we are say. Fluent in Healthcare and Technology

We are technology, healthcare and corporate communications specialists. We have evolved into a hybrid agency, integrating the best of PR with other disciplines to bring communications programmes to life across multiple channels. From our base in London we offer a full range of marketing, communications and public relations services, working for both UK and international clients.

Driven by insight, expertise and fresh thinking, our award-winning programmes are designed to create relevant, positive and sustainable behavioural change.

About Us