2015 was avid for the avocado

  • Published: 08 January 2016,
  • The Say Team

2015 was avid for the avocado


Multiple channels of the media worked in unison to push avocado to the top in 2015, ultimately surging sales. As someone who works in PR, I wonder what we can learn from this green fruity beauty.

The power of social media

Avocado instagramAvocados are outselling oranges for the first time ever in the UK, the Telegraph reported, and are currently the 8th most bought fruit. Yes, an avocado is botanically a fruit, in case you were wondering. This December avocados were revealed by the Independent, as the most pinned food trend on Pinterest, actually appearing twice in the top ten with avocado egg bake as number one, and avocado hummus as number four. The hashtags #avocado, #avocadotoast and even #avocadoobsession trended on Instagram and Twitter numerous times, so why have we gone absolutely nuts for the avo? The vibrant green, providing Instagrammers a wide choice of filter beauty must have helped its relentless trending quest. I wonder if the mere avocado has truly shown us the power of social media, the need and want of everyone to fit in online. Fomo (fear of missing out) should be changed to foma (fear of missing avocado).

The Daily Mail quoted a Hass avocado promoter (he’s actually a spokesman for the Peruvian Trade Office but I’m sure he’s an avid avo promoter over social media as well) attributing the rise in sales to “unprecedented media coverage which has given shoppers new appreciation of their many health benefits”. I agree the rise in sales has come hand in hand with our new health kick. But I wonder how healthy avocados really are?

The health evidence

The Journal of the American Heart Association took it upon themselves to investigate, comparing the “effect of a moderate fat diet with, and without avocado”.  Their results found that avocado has beneficial effects on cardio-metabolic risk factors and improves cholesterol levels. The new superfood is also praised for its high fibre content, “good fats”, plant sterols and more. So an avocado a day really does keep the doctor away! One medium sized avo does however have an average of 320 calories and 30g of fat so don’t go too green-eyed-crazy.

The endorsementavocado face cream

One small, gratuitous boy hit Vine and instantly
convinced people everywhere to love avocados. However, people aren’t just using it for their meals (and Instagram likes) but they’re also putting it on their faces! Well if it’s good enough for Posh Becks and Cara Delevingne… Maybe that’s all a crazy health trend needs to go viral, a couple of beautiful celebrities to swear by it. If it doesn’t work? At least you felt cool and on-trend doing it.

This sort of multi-channel, wide scale PR seems almost impossible to orchestrate. A product that spans food, health and beauty, broadcasted across social media, backed by scientific evidence and celebs – well that would form a pretty good campaign.  I’m left wondering, will any of 2016’s big trends be able to top the mighty avocado?!


By Becky W.

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