Is your smile your beauty blind spot?

This premium brand needed a platform to reframe the conversation around oral health and keep customers engaged.

The Challenge:

UltraDEX was looking for fresh ideas to re-energise their comms activities to keep their oral health range front of mind and sustain sales.


SAY activated a multi-channel PR campaign leveraging media and consumer interest in ageing to deliver impact and broad engagement in dental care, beyond the usual narrow conversations around caries, whitening and bad breath.  Its engaging social campaign, which featured an interactive online quiz, drove interest and delivered the biggest sales spike in four years.

“The story about age went live three hours ago. We have already received more hits to our website than we have ever experienced before in one day!!”

Director of Sales and Marketing

The Results Are In…

65 65 pieces of editorial coverage
10K People took an interactive quiz to find out the real age of their mouth
UP Campaign delivered biggest sales spike in four years, and double the average number of hits to their website in one day

Some More Case Studies

Transitioning a leading medical congress to a virtual global event

Positioning RSA as a thought leader

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