Gaining mainstream attention for an innovative technology

Digital Barriers, a leading provider of software solutions for the military & security sectors, tasked Say with raising the profile of its facial recognition offering for civilian law enforcement

The Brief

Digital Barriers wanted its solution that had previously only been available to specialist units to be viewed as a viable & operationally deployable tool for modern frontline policing, thereby supporting the company in securing interest, pilots & ultimately sales in this emerging market.


With facial recognition a controversial topic, Say capitalised on the media interest to gain mainstream attention across national newspapers & broadcasters. Say noted that there was a lack of supporting voices & opinions to provide a balanced perspective on the sensible & proportionate use of facial recognition. As such, Say positioned Digital Barriers’ CEO Zak Doffman as a thought leader to fill this vacuum & organised a series of technology demos for high-profile journalists, enabling them to better understand the technology, how it works &d the situations in which it could benefit public safety.

“Multiple facial recognition providers have muddied the waters by making false claims.

Say enabled us to demonstrate our true capabilities, differentiate ourselves from competitors & to make our world-class technology known to a dynamic audience.”

ZAK DOFFMAN, CEO Digital Barriers

The Results Are In…

101M Opportunities to see in broadcast
19,000 impressions through Twitter over 3 months
11 Minute segment on BBC Newsnight
291M Briefings with National Press
8 Opportunities to see in national press

Some More Case Studies

Market Access: UK Launch

Acting as a gateway to Europe

Securing national attention to deter criminal activity

Brand repositioning following an M&A